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Modernize and Mobilize with Microsoft 365

By Constantine von Hoffman, Microsoft

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Why is modernization today's technology buzzword? Simple: Modern technology solutions can help improve productivity and collaboration while protecting data. This blog explores the many benefits and challenges of modernization and presents best-practice advice that you can put to use today.

Improve communication in the workplace to grow your business

Improve communication in the workplace to grow your business

It's no secret that poor communication is detrimental to your organization, but just how detrimental may come as a surprise.

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When it comes to building a marketing plan, all tactics are not a one-size-fit-all solution for small business.

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The LINE is a lively, modern boutique hotel nestled in the heart of LA's Koreatown.

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Whether you rely on email for business or simply use it on occasion for personal use, it is important to be wary of scams that cybercriminals use in attempts to steal something from you.

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So, what do you do? If you really want to get someone's attention and interest, learn to answer this question with three simple words.

Is a lack of application integration hurting your business? Here's how to ease the pain.

Is a lack of application integration hurting your business? Here's how to ease the pain.

Better integration makes it easier to bring your people, systems, and data together in one place to give individuals what they need, when they need it, wherever they need it.

How business email services can help your company grow

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Whether you have an office, a storefront, a restaurant or an online-only business, chances are good that you use email.

How to boost technology adoption – and productivity

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Technology rollouts can be highly disruptive to individuals, especially when the upgrade involves the productivity tools they use daily. A "learning path" approach can show users new and better ways to accomplish their day-to-day...

Avoid security breaches: How to protect your data

Avoid security breaches: How to protect your data

Data security breaches at major corporations seem to be perpetually in the news. The hacks range in size and scope, but it's no secret that firms hit by hackers often suffer serious consequences.

Protect your data to protect your business

Protect your data to protect your business

There's nothing more important than earning the trust of customers and employees by protecting your business—and their data—against cyberattacks. This is no small feat, given the rise in both volume and complexity of cyberthreats and...

5 signs that you need a technology refresh

5 signs that you need a technology refresh

Sticking with older technologies can inhibit your business from achieving its broader objectives. Outdated or unsupported technologies are more vulnerable to cyberattacks, and they stifle productivity and business process efficiency....

Rethinking productivity for the modern workforce

Rethinking productivity for the modern workforce

With the business landscape shifting, there's a growing movement to make work "better." To achieve this goal, businesses require technology that embraces the principles of a modern workforce.

4 tips for easier contact management

4 tips for easier contact management

From efficient scheduling capabilities and appointment confirmations to the ability to carefully track client preferences and update ever-evolving business services and pricing, contact management software has become more critical...

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