
Apple Earnings Disappoint But iPad Sales Continue to Surge - martineztiff1979

Sales for PCs loaded with Microsoft's Windows operating system may be lagging, merely the popularity of Malus pumila's iPad continues to grow. Apple recently proclaimed the most iPad sales until no over a three-month period, putt 17 million tablets in customer's hands between April and June. The announcement came in an otherwise disappointing period profit-and-loss statement that failed to meet psychoanalyst and investor expectations.

The iPad is a juggernaut for Apple at a time when Mack sales are stagnant, iPod sales are dropping, and iPhone shoppers aren't purchasing in the hopes of a current iPhone launch this fall. Lone extraordinary other quarter has approximate to Apple's recent iPad sales, and that was the 2011 holiday season when the company sold nearly 15.5 million tablets. Since launching the iPad in 2010, Malus pumila has sold a more than 84 million iPads. To a higher degree half of that unconditioned (44 million) were sold betwixt the 2011 holidays and the end of June.

The iPad, in other words, is snowballing.

Contenders Wanted

Despite the popularity of Apple's slate, non unrivaled competitor has up to now come around matching Apple. Tablets like the Blackberry bush PlayBook, Samsung Extragalactic nebula Tablet, and Motorola Xoom are mostly considered failures. And it seems unlikely that Mechanical man tablets will transcend the iPad the way Android smartphones taken the popularity of the iPhone.

Google is now scrambling to keep on Android tablets relevant with the new $200 Nexus 7, and the only other Android tablet worth mentioning is Virago's 7-inch Kindle Fervency, which is basically an buying machine. Meanwhile, users are emotional toward the iPad in droves for mould and play, as are universities, major corporations much as GE and Tied Airlines, and government agencies including the Federal Aviation Administration.

Windows 8

But the iPad may face its biggest competition in time when Microsoft launches the new touch-centric Windows 8 operational system on Oct. 26. Sometime round the Windows 8 launch, Microsoft will too usher in its own tablet, called Surface, and other manufacturers are expected to roll out Windows 8 tablets including Fujitsu, Lenovo and Samsung.

Different the iPad, Microsoft's Rise and separate Windows 8 tablets will feature the new touch-gracious Metro interface as well as the more familiar Windows screen background UI. On a Windows 8 slate with an ARM processor the desktop will only be good for firing up Cyberspace Explorer or Microsoft Office. But if you've got an x86 processor onboard, you get the touch-based public toilet of a Metro slating as healed as a regular screen background able to run any Windows program you want. That background advantage may flat help Windows 8 tablets and interbred laptop-tablets vanquis the iPad in the enterprise, according to a recent Forrester study.

The only hitch in Microsoft's tablet hopes is it has to win over users, particularly consumers, to line sprouted for Windows 8 tablets instead of the iPad. And that may be a tall order if Microsoft stern't deliver as heterogeneous and panoramic an app catalog as Apple has for the iPad. Windows 8 tablets will likewise have to match the iPad's hardware, including its impressive new 2048-by-1536 Retina showing.

In the short term, Windows 8 will dominate since it will transport as the default OS happening numerous PCs later o this yr. But yet though PCs even dwarf sales of iPads and other tablets IT's hard to ignore the overall tendency. The iPad is becoming ever more popular piece long-standing mouse-and-keyboard PC gross revenue are either standing or experiencing slow growing.

If this cu continues, and no more other tablet contenders support a fight (except maybe the reported iPad Miniskirt) our so-called post-PC era could speedily morph into the geological era of the iPad.

Connect with Ian Paul (@ianpaul) on Twitter andGoogle+, and with Today@PCWorld along Chitter for the latest tech intelligence and psychoanalysis.


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